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'Normalized' Weekend Work

Jeana Jorgensen discusses a key issue involving faculty members' time.

'And Your Preferred Pronoun'?

Eric Joy Denise explains the importance of asking the question.

Out in the Classroom

Shawn Trivette reflects on his experiences.

Prepare for the Unexpected

Rashawn Ray describes how to survive your first year on the tenure track.

More Than an R1

Eric Joy Denise on why they decided to work at a teaching-oriented institution.  

Diversity Then and Now

Gretchel Hathaway considers the evolution of campus moves to be more inclusive, and the officials who lead such efforts.

Letter to a Gay Professor

The provost of a Christian college responds to a letter from a faculty member unable to be open about issues of sexuality while remaining employed.

Dual Career Challenges

Sue V. Rosser considers the particular issues facing women in science.