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Editing Advice for Marginalized Scholars

When moving from ideas to publication, if you don’t look, think and/or write like the dominant academics in your field, the path can be treacherous, writes Shannon Craigo-Snell.

When Your Work Becomes a Facebook Fight

For scholars whose academic work touches on contentious issues, Nicole Bedera shares nine tactics to ensure that online engagement remains civil and meaningful.

A Call for Flexible Name-Change Policies

A major concern for trans people today is the process of legally changing one’s name, as well as one’s gender marker, on official college records, writes Katriel Paige.

Creating Trans-Inclusive Curricula

Stacy Jane Grover gives advice on how to avoid curriculum choices that exoticize, tokenize and discipline the experiences of transgender and gender-nonconforming students.


Without that extra push of likability, and often without senior scholars like us who can mentor us along the way, we have to work harder and smarter to succeed in academe, writes Shannon Craigo-Snell.

The Unbearable Whiteness of Mesearch

Claiming that “mesearch” is a particular issue for scholars of color demonstrates a profound lack of self-awareness on the part of researchers in the social sciences and humanities, argues Victor Ray.

Research on the Margins

J. Sumerau provides advice to researchers who find themselves studying groups or phenomena missing -- mostly or entirely -- from the current scientific literature.

A Queer Confession

A.W. Strouse tells a cautionary tale about how academe turned him into a gay conservative.