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Surviving Institutional Racism in Academe

A faculty member describes some of the lessons she’s learned the hard way.

Dismantling Whiteness in Academe

Over all, the failed project of watered-down academic diversity is a reminder of how whiteness is structured -- and structuring our interactions in higher education, argues Salvador Vidal-Ortiz.

3 Questions Researchers Should Ask About Sexual Violence

We should challenge dominant ways of knowing and expose hidden assumptions that are often taken for granted, argue Jessica C. Harris and Chris Linder.

Intersectionality and Sexual Violence

Classroom discussions about sexual violence require challenging assumptions about gender, writes Jamie J. Hagen.

Where Universes Expand

We should move toward a pedagogy of sadness, anger and love, writes Jenny Heineman.

Sexual Violence Research Must Be LGBTQ Inclusive

The fact that sexual and intimate partner violence is found in lesbian and gay relationships proves that there is more to the phenomenon than cisgender, heterosexual men victimizing cisgender, heterosexual women, argues Sarah A. Stephens.

Building Community Through a Syllabus

Z Nicolazzo has created a syllabus geared toward promoting the continuing work being done regarding trans* populations in higher education.

Navigating Graduate School With Mental Illness

Jill Richardson shares five coping strategies she developed through personal experience.