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Tenure Candidates and Used Cars

Martin H. Krieger explains why deans trying to "sell" a tenure candidate to a president may be trusted as much as someone on a car lot.

One-Sentence Mentoring

Advice can be pithy. Kevin Brown offers guidance for new faculty members trying to make their way in higher education.

Advice for New Hires

Pamela Oliver shares advice for those starting their first semester as assistant professors.

Learning to Love Rejection

Don't take it personally when a journal or publisher rejects your submission, writes Brian Martin. It's all part of the process.

10 Tips to Earn Tenure

You can maintain your sanity and earn that promotion, writes Mary Kirk.

Writing High

Jane Haladay reflects on productivity gained when flying -- and the distractions that complicate life on the ground.

What 'Counts'?

Ruth Starkman considers how departments are (and should be) considering digital scholarship -- and what young scholars should know about how their work will be evaluated.