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Canadian Conscientious Objectors

More NCAA commentary, as UD prepares for her trip to the organization's annual convention, this from a Canadian writer who...

"Washing Your Dad Down in My Shower."

As UD prepares to go to Nashville to blog the annual meeting of the NCAA for Inside Higher Ed (her...

The "Non-Matric" Back Door

"Matriculated" is one of those SAT words that people outside of higher ed administration almost never use. ("Bursar" is another.)...


Recently I had lunch with a materials science professor, and my family spent New Year’s with an engineer and his...

Once More Into the Blog

A few highlights from the holiday break: Words coined by The Girl: hoggy (synonym for piggy); aminal; psghettio's; velcwo (my...

Old-Timey New Year

My brother-in-law’s grandfather was kind and had an infectious laugh, but he was also a tough old bird, and to...

UD in Krakow

I'm in Poland, in freezing Krakow, a city marvelous enough to overcome even shitty weather. The old town's full of...

Happy Holidays from the Churms

Aaahhhhh. Hear that? That's the sound of no-students, the sound of final grades being deposited in a bank of computer...