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Adjuncts and Accreditation

This article in IHE is one of those peel-the-onion pieces in which the more you think about it, the more...

Modest proposal #6 - Better bureaucracy

OK, enough of the fancy in springtime schtick. Proposals #2 and #3, and a couple which have yet to forthcome...

The Girl at Play

I'll admit it: I want contradictory things for The Girl. I want her to grow up to be a strong...

Where the Grapes of Wrath Are Stored

Or so the sign implies: And as long as you're in the martial spirit, here's one of my short stories...

Modest proposal #5 - Exclude exhaust

'Tis Spring, and an old(er) man's fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year...

Ask the Administrator: Professional Development in the Sticks

Right now I'm in the midst of an unbloggable circus, so letters are especially welcome. An earnest correspondent in the...

Modest proposal #4 - Ban the box

Tis Spring, and an old(er) man’s fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year...

Publishing: Now for the Masses

Of course printed books have been widely available to the masses since the 19th century, when new technologies in paper...