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Education by Earthquake

When I was very little, my mom took me down to the Mississippi to see a river barge that had...

Sticker Shock and Smart Shopping

This time of year, community colleges suddenly get a lot more attractive. High school seniors who applied to college for...

Managing for Improvement: Part II

If we are focused on improvement, we have to design a strategy for improvement. Although it is possible to have...

Adjuncts and Accreditation, Revisited

Adjuncts and Accreditation, Revisited Academic Cog and Lumpenprofessoriat posted some thoughtful pieces in response to my skepticism about using accreditation...

The Pre-Ninja Program

The Boy announced on Sunday that when he grows up, he wants to be a Ninja. Naturally, this got me...

Managing for Improvement: Part I

NOTE: This semester we’ve had an active conversation in a graduate course on Managing Universities here at LSU. This blog...

Both Sides of the Desk

I've been doing a fair bit of interviewing at other campuses lately, but I've also been interviewing candidates for an...

Modest proposal #9 - Let's strip

OK, now! Get your mind out of the gutter. We all get to keep our clothes on and, for some...