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Career Coach: Don't Rush to Grad School

Can't find a job? Don't go to grad school. The economy's tanking! Should I give up looking for a job...

Contemplating rurality

When I'm not on campus, I farm. As a result, for the last 25+ years, I've lived a ways from...

Getting wind of it

Not too long ago, I posted about how it's easier to defeat information-based change than to achieve it, particularly if...

Local Food and Fiction

The indomitable Professor Cohen writes in response to my most recent post about creative nonfiction and food: Okay, so I'm...

Ask the Administrator: The Book or the Grant?

A new correspondent in a humanistic discipline writes: I'm now three semesters into a permanent position at a lower-mid-range research...

Math Geek Mom: How to Li[v]e with Statistics

There is a commercial for some over the counter medicine that talks about “Dr. Mom.” Already being “Dr. Mom”, in...

Conservation or efficiency?

I was in the dentist's office, waiting to get my teeth cleaned. The remarkable thing about this situation was that...

Budget Crises, Academic Change: A Fable

Our fable begins with the recognition that everyone is in favor of change, that magic word for all of higher...