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Ask the Administrator: Getting the Boss Fired

A returning correspondent writes: Here's the situation: I worked as a TA for an intro level survey course for a...

Your Little 3-Inch Churm

My nomination a couple of weeks ago for the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching required letters of support...

When a Workplace Skips a Generation

There's a fairly wide, if shallow, literature out there on different generations in the workplace. It's often fun to read...

ABCs and PhDs: Grad student family leave policies

A graduate student I know at a well-respected public university had a baby last year. This spring her husband’s job...

Omaha stakes

Warren Buffett has seen the future of personal transportation, and it isn't spelled "GM". The Oracle of Omaha (or, more...

Mothering at Mid-Career: 'Balancing Teaching and Research'

Someone just asked me to participate in a panel discussion on “balancing teaching and research” (this in the context of...

Ask the Administrator: Perceptions of Online Graduate Degrees

A new correspondent writes: I am two years into the four year tenure process at my community college after having...

The Bright Side of Economic Freefall

As the soufflé of an overleveraged economy collapses, it's easy to focus on the negative. I spent most of December...