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ABC's and PhD's: A health care perspective from the Great White North

Health care is on the minds of Canadians these days, just as it is at the forefront of discussions in...


A longtime correspondent sent me this article in Academe by Lori Messinger, a professor of social work at the University...

A Focus on Learning

I was heartened to see Zemsky put learning at the top of his list of the tough issues facing higher...

Ask the Administrator: The Ties that Bind

This one introduces itself. I am the son of a long time correspondent and a reader in my own right...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Communication

Updates from my daughter, now in her second week of college, come in the form of facebook status updates and...

The Hybrid Solution

Have you seen Wick Sloan's piece "Teaching After Midnight," on his experience with his late night teaching at Bunker Hill...

Perspective and politics

This morning, I awoke to the voice of Steven Chu on NPR. I'll want to go back and listen to...


"Most frightening is the fact that Le may have been killed by someone who walks among us, considering the basement...