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Food and Culture

I know a couple- or three-dozen writers well enough to know that none live by writing alone. (I don’t know...

Math Geek Mom: The Small Print

One of the first things I learned upon becoming a mom was that I needed to be much smarter than...

Dear Adobe....

I know that the higher education community is a priority for you. Your higher ed site is really nice. Many...

On Watching Five-Year-Olds Play Soccer

The Girl has spent the last several years watching her older brother play sports. She has played some in the...

Everything old could be new again

Okay, maybe it's just me. (Mrs. R. tells me it often is.) But a recent item I received from Environmental...

Bad Meetings

Chad Orzel has posted a wonderful list of Varieties of Bad Meetings. Having spent some time ( cough) in bad...

Higher Ed. and TED

TED talks pose all sorts of challenges and opportunities for those of us in higher education. The quality of the...

P + 1

So, today's the day after P-Day. As in "Plan Day." As in "Climate Action Plan due date." For charter signatories...