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From the Tenure Side-Lines

I took the unthinkable step off the tenure track when my second son was born. I have no desire to...

Some Things We Learn from "Packing for Mars"

Mary Roach's " Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void" is the perfect book for anyone...

Random Bullets of Friday

--I don’t get the Apple tv thing. It only gets two networks, and they’re ones that I can get over...

Math Geek Mom: Mother's Labor

This weekend is Labor Day, a day that signifies the end of summer and the start of the school year...


In my more cynical moments, I sometimes feel like Merlin in T.H. White's The Once and Future King. Merlin had...

Ask the Administrator: Importing Administrators

In a follow-up to an earlier discussion, a correspondent wrote: Do outsiders stand a chance at landing admin jobs on...

A "Media" Opportunity for U of P's William J. Pepicello

So excited that William J. Pepicello, the University of Phoenix’s president, is looking for "media" opportunities. Dr. Pepicello, I'd like...

Motherhood After Tenure: Heading Back

Classes start tomorrow and my syllabi are finally done. They've been completed for a few days, but I never deliver...