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Ask the Administrator: Swimming Upstream

A new correspondent writes: I am thinking of making a change in my career path. I am a non-tenure track...

Cars...and College Textbooks

Please, esteemed reader, bear with me. What follows is not an apology for textbook publishers: good, bad, or otherwise, students...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Cinderella's Legacies?

There have been some interesting posts on this blog lately about gender, weight, and photoshop (see the posts by Aeron...

Disasters not made in heaven

President Obama, speaking on the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, made the point that the scope of the disaster --...

For-Profit Higher Education Scandals in the United States: International Lessons

Hardly a day goes by in the United States without another report of malfeasance and exploitation by the for-profit education...

5 Requirements for Digital Coursepack Providers

Requirement 1 - Copyright Clearance: The ability to clear copyrights and gain permissions for all course readings submitted to the...

Twitter Fast Follow: One more way to use Twitter to communicate with students

Most of our students are not on Twitter. In fact, most people are not on Twitter. Do these statements dissuade...

Ask the Administrator: How to Get a Grade Changed?

A student writes: I failed a class (obtained an F), and was planning to retake it based on the rules...