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The SAT Scandal

I just finished listening to the Sam Eshagoff interview on 60 Minutes. Before I comment on the interview, I would like to commend 60 Minutes for decades of worthwhile news and human interest coverage. 60 Minutes remains a leading example of TV at its best.

Cristina Bonasegna Kelly: History Reconsidered—Politicians vs Scholars

Argentina's president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, has created an institute comprised of scholars who support her political positions to reexamine the way the nation's history is recorded.

What’s New at University of Venus? 7 January 2012

A weekly update on what's happening with the University of Venus writers.

Twitter, Screencasts, and Non-Traditional Students: 3 Lessons

This is a story about a professor who wanted his students to use Twitter to continue an in-class discussion. As...

Snow Is Your Friend. No, Really.

I have a confession: I love snow. You might not understand the profoundness of this confession, but I was born and raised on the Central Coast of California in a city slightly north of Santa Barbara. The ocean and 70F weather were normal for my family during the winter. We would make regular trips to the beach, eat Jalama Burgers (a delicious treat from my hometown), and chill on the sandy shore with the water lapping slowly at our feet. However, one thing the Central Coast doesn't have is snow. That part of California is a too far south and too close to the ocean for snowy weather.

Friday Fragments, Chock-Full of Linky Goodness

The Boy got a 1254 piece (honest!) milennium falcon Lego kit for Christmas. He disappeared into the basement at 2:00 on Christmas Day, and re-emerged six hours later with a fully built ship.

Math Geek Mom: Moving Forward

When my daughter was first learning geometry, she came home one day to proclaim "I know what a ray is, mom. It is a line pointing in only one direction." She then went on to tell me that math was becoming her favorite subject. Of course, this was music to my ears.

More on the Importance of Tenure

Same tired arguments against tenure. I have a slightly different response. Hint: it's about the money.