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The table itself

Due to technical difficulties beyond my control, my previous post about a table of energy inputs and outputs for various forms of food production contained description and discussion, but not the table itself. If you're reading this, those difficulties have been resolved.

My Wish for Election Season

This year, for the first time since leaving grad school, I’d love to hear students on campus seriously discuss the election outside of class.

My Valued-Added Worth ... aka, Boast Post!

I was accused of complaining while not clearly outlining what I have accomplished in my current position. Consider it remedied.

Professors with Attitude

This summer I was in Bali, conducting another of my social entrepreneurship trainings for a group of Balinese students and students from my university. In the past this program has been a real struggle for me and for my assistants, caused by personality conflicts, cultural misunderstandings, and less than helpful “partners” on the ground. And my own attitude, it turns out, is a huge indicator of how much I will enjoy the (sometimes) grueling six weeks of the program, but, more importantly, how my students will experience my class.

4 Reasons Why Tech Investors Should Spend Time on Campus

Basing your tech investment decisions on media coverage is a sure recipe for losing money. By the time the forces that determine whether a tech company thrives or dives make it into the press the smart money has already arrived or left.

High-Tech, High-Touch Academic Advising

Prior to last year, I had never heard of KCTCS. Thankfully, I didn't have to resort to using my higher education acronym decoder ring. In September, a representative from the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) contacted me about an intriguing academic advising project. Having been referred by NACADA,

Digital Distractions: Podcasts

One of my favorite distractions is podcasts. I love them. They're part of my commute, they're part of my leisure time, and they're part of my work time.

The Good and Bad News About Shopping for Textbooks

It’s the time of year when students must gather their course materials as classes begin. Long gone is the obligatory march through the campus store purchasing textbooks. These days, students can start their search online and their options have multiplied.