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So What Are You Going To Be When You Grow Up?

“So what can you do with a degree in Cultural Studies?” I felt the deer-caught-in-headlights look come over my face...

Confessions of a Trailing Spouse

Last winter semester, I didn’t teach. It was by choice, but it was a choice that dates back to 2001...

"Wherefore art thou," . . . Wait, who are you, again?

Guest blogger, Afshan Jafar, writing from Connecticut in the USA. Photo: Afshan Jafar Afshan Jafar For a while now, everywhere...

I Have Some Bad News

The first student looked at me with tears in his eyes, silent for a moment, and then said, “I have...

Which is your Priority: Research or Teaching?

For academics of a certain age, having many fine balancing acts to prioritize is our prerogative. UVenus writers have blogged...

I Need a Wife

My office-mate Jessica spat those words out in exasperation one afternoon as she raced into the office with a pile...

Be Careful What You Wish For

My career has always been important to me, but I never wanted it to dominate my personal life. Early on...

The Exodus: Philippine Academics Who Never Return Home

There is something about the air in America that seduces the senses. To those who have never been to the...