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Academic Rock Stars

Taking this degree part time doesn’t grant me much freedom to take advantage of the extra-curricular activities that I encourage...

What We Love About Higher Ed

The University of Venus question of the month: What is the most satisfying part of your job? Afshan Jafar (US)...

The Joy of Being an Intellectual Kid Again

I’m rejuvenated, revived and relaxed. I feel smart again. Why? I’ve spent the week being an intellectual kid again. Denise...

Endings and Beginnings

Graduation and opening exercises bookend my university’s academic calendar and they are events which I make sure not to miss...

Starting Strong: Your First Days on Campus

In the span of approximately three years, I started three new jobs at new institutions. So when my fellow UVenus...

Oh, For the Love of Jeans!

Until I came to college in the United States, all my schooling had been in Pakistan, in schools that followed...

Academic Freedom: Whistleblower Protection?

Every month, I receive an email from Mary Churchill letting me know that my University of Venus post is about...