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Student Affairs Social Media Examples

Student Affairs practitioners are always asking me to showcase student affairs units that are using social media. They want to...

10 Reasons Why #satechBOS and #edutweetup Will Happen Again

July has been a mega-month for conferences and higher education meetings. My travel docket included: ISTE, ACUHO-I, NCSRMR and a...

#NCSRMR Insights, #EExpect Data, and Web Governance

Does your work have anything to do with student recruitment, marketing, or retention? If you answered yes, then you absolutely...

MyDegrees and Academic Advising Solutions

When it comes to enterprise-level academic advising solutions, there aren't a lot of options. In fact, quite a few schools...

CACUSS Identity Project: Leaders In Learning

Last month, CACUSS published a paper entitled " Leaders in Learning: Student Affairs in Canada in the 21st Century &...

Is That Your Computer? Did You Bring That Chair From Home?

Has a student ever entered your office and asked if the computer on your desk was your personal machine? Or...

LinkedIn Adds Sections For Students

LinkedIn is a wonderful career networking site for people who have work experience. You can fill in your employment and...

Getting social (media) at #ACUHOI

This year's Association of College and University Housing Officers - International ( ACUHO-I) Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE) was held...