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Remembering Steve Jobs

For the past few years, Twitter has been the source for breaking news. Last night, I started seeing several tweets...

#SAtech profile: @KrisRenn - Tech Evangelist / Reluctant Adopter

In what I hope will be the first of many #SAtech (faculty) profiles, Kristen Renn, Associate Professor of Higher, Adult...

Google Wallet and Campus Transactions

Can your phone be your wallet? That's what Google is hoping will happen with last week's launch of Google Wallet...

2tor Partners with Schools to Build Community

Are we ready to support online learners? This is the question that I posed in a previous post this month...

Best Colleges Badge: We Sustain Its Existence

Initially, I had planned on doing my best to write a balanced view of the money-making-machine known as the U.S...

Do We Need More Walled Gardens

When I first read about OKStateU - Oklahoma State University's (OSU) new social network, I was admittedly skeptical. Built using...

Listservs and the "Unsubscribe me" Meme

Initially, this post was going to be titled: "If you've ever sent "unsubscribe" to a listserv, please break the glass...

Student Affairs and Technology - Are We Ready To Support Online Learners?

Student affairs practitioners have often used the perceived diminishment of face-to-face contact as a rationale against implementing certain forms of...