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An Introduction

Hello, IHE readers! I am your new guru for all questions about motherhood, academia, or anything you want to know...

Drama Mama. The tricky tenth

Last fall, I began working on a proposal for a panel presentation I wanted to moderate at my annual summer...

Motherhood After Tenure: PRE-SCHOOL ANGST

This fall our school district will implement a four-year-old kindergarten program. I was pleased to hear this because my daughter...

ABCs and PhDs: Summer Camp for Biologists

For the last month, my family and I have been living at the Friday Harbor Laboratories, run by the University...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Re-Entry #2

It took the better part of a week, but I think I'm over the jet lag now. The laundry is...

Drama Mama: A little more time to grow

Family. One of’s definitions of family reads: a group of people who may be blood relations who share common...

Motherhood After Tenure: Location, Location, Location

Summers in Green Bay, Wisconsin are a magical time, especially if you have small children. My four year old daughter...

ABCs and PhDs: Crazy

It happened again. In a casual conversation a woman academic I just met said to me “That’s great that you’re...