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Career Coach: Don't Rush to Grad School

Can't find a job? Don't go to grad school. The economy's tanking! Should I give up looking for a job...

Math Geek Mom: How to Li[v]e with Statistics

There is a commercial for some over the counter medicine that talks about “Dr. Mom.” Already being “Dr. Mom”, in...

Long Distance Mom: Job Hunting? Considering a Commute?

Well, it is interviewing time and, for many of us, it means that we have moved beyond the phone interview...

ABCs and PhDs: Tipping Point

The first days of a new year always fill me with a numbing sense of dread that is deeply rooted...

Mothering at Mid-Career: A New Chapter

This week my family starts a new chapter, as our daughter moves to San Francisco for the second half of...

Math Geek Mom: Assume A Happy New Year

Economists make many assumptions in our efforts to mathematically model the world. Some of these assumptions instantly make sense to...

Caring for Children and Their Parents

The MLA convention in San Francisco this year is spread out over two hotels, one on either side of Market...

The Quest for Balance and Support

The panel titled "Negotiating Family and Graduate Studies", sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Graduate Students in the...