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A Scare-Your-Socks-Off Thriller: Data and Goliath

Bruce Schneier's new book pairs nicely with a new report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

No Libraries for You!

Yet another foundation tells higher ed how to cut costs through technology, eliminating frills like libraries, research,and face-to-face learning.

New Predatory Publishing in Old Bottles

Was it illegal for Elsevier to sell open access articles to unsuspecting buyers? Maybe not, but it was wrong.

MLS Required

Don't you just read books all day? You need a degree for that?

A New Report From Project Information Literacy

Results from the second phase of a lifelong learning study are out - and it gives academic librarians plenty to think about.

Information Literacy in the Wild

There's a world of information, and most of it isn't in the form of scholarship. Are our graduates ready to engage with it?

Not In the Clear: Libraries and Privacy

We say we value patron privacy. If so, we have a lot of work to do.

A Few Updates on Previous Posts

Some news this week brings a variety of issues back into focus.