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Visibility, Autonomy and Control

We had the Cornell Interactive Theater CITE come to campus this week to offer workshops on communication issues specific to...

Debating with Gardner Campbell

Gardner Campbell will be moderating/participating in an EDUCAUSE POINT/COUNTERPOINT session with myself and John Fritz: "Learning Management Technologies: Enterprise System...

Social Media and Ed. Tech. Companies

Where social media make sense to me are as a method of exposing the fact that organizations are made up...

Why Hasn't Mobile Learning Gained Traction?

This weekend I spent some times reading the NYTimes, reading a novel, exchanging e-mail, watching a TED Talk, and surfing...

Lev Gonick's Two-Year Lead

Not sure if I should be depressed or elated when I learn about someone who is two years ahead of...

Microsoft's Vision for Higher Ed and Lecture Capture

Have you guys seen Microsoft's video on technology enabled collaborative learning? The video description reads: What if learning was an...

Learning Technology's Next Generation

Learning tech needs some new blood. We need to recruit young people to go into our discipline (actually - we...

Academic Libraries, Publishers, and Digital Books

The future will judge academic librarians by how well they were able to build coalitions across institutions and negotiate with...