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13 Days Off Campus at Ed Tech Events - You?

Questions about travel policies, finance and value.

3 Economic Arguments for Alt-Ac Ed Tech Careers

Why consider an academic ed tech career rather than a traditional post-doc to tenure track gig? Economics.

A Few Google Glass Education Fantasies

Will a wearable browser / heads up display / audio & video recorder / app mobile device provide interesting opportunities for learning?

3 Higher Ed Lessons from Netflix's "Long Term View"

Netflix's 11 page Long Term View document, posted on its Investor Relations page, is worth investing the time it takes to read.

DeVry Responds to My '3 Suggestions for For-Profits'

A for-profit university takes me up on invitation to share specific information around transparency, faculty, and opportunities for collaboration.

We Need (More) Research on Academic Tech Professionals

Looking for data on where educational technology professionals come from.

The Liberal Arts of Ed Tech

This post is a mash note to all my colleagues with ed tech jobs and liberal arts backgrounds.

From Whitman to Academic Partnerships

An Interview with Charles Green, the Chief Academic Officer and SVP of Academic Services at Academic Partnerships.