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iTunes U’s New Addition: Features vs Benefits

When it comes to marketing messaging, people generally respond to benefits rather than features.

What Do Recruiters Want?

Does anyone think that, for the vast majority of students, going to college isn’t ultimately about acquiring knowledge and skills to be successful in a chosen career?

MITx: Focus Group of One

June 8th marked the end of the MITx free pilot course, Circuits and Electronics, which welcomed more registrants than all of MIT’s living alumni (122,000 as of January 2012). So after all the hype, what can we learn? I tracked down one person who actually made it through to the end and passed – and decided to conduct an anonymous ‘focus group of one.’

Business Schools: Who Are Your Competitors?

I’m preparing to speak at the GMAC Annual Conference next week and thought I’d preview one of the topics here, to get your reaction.

Measuring the ‘Unmeasurable’

This week I had the pleasure of attending a panel discussion on the ‘Corporatization of the University’ with former fellows of The Susan Vogt Leadership Fellows Program through the Boston Consortium for Higher Education.

A Crisis in Public Higher Education

A crisis in public higher education: coming soon to a university near you – if not already there.

Impossible Yesterday, Accepted Tomorrow?

Things are moving quickly in higher ed. Ideas that seemed impossible in January are suddenly possible -- making it exciting to think about which of today’s "impossibilities" might exist in the near future.

What Are They Buying? What Are You Selling?

As Peter Drucker once said, “The customer rarely buys what the business thinks it sells him.”