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In a previous post we predicted that this year MOOCs will morph into MOCCS (Mid-Sized Online Closed Courses).

‘Tis The Season . . . For Higher Ed Predictions

Around this time of year, we’re inundated with lists of the most significant happenings of the current year (e.g., best books, celebrities we’ve lost) and predictions for the future, and the world of higher education is no exception.

Degrees and Debt: Part 1

The Pew Research Center recently released two different reports that call attention to at least one of the issues in higher education.

Making Higher Education Work

Quick: What percentage of employers believes that the graduates of post-secondary education they hired in the past year have been adequately prepared for the job market?

The Forgotten Side of Strategy

Last night we had an interesting discussion in our Strategic Management class on an important and often overlooked element of successful strategy.

Maximizing Your Tweets, Facebook Posts and Shares

Marketing departments and individuals alike are increasingly generating content to share via social media. Have you ever wondered the lifespan of a link you share? How long does it have a chance of actually getting clicked?

"Good Enough"

Hearing that a new, stripped down product or service in your marketplace is “good enough” should strike fear the hearts of market leaders.

What’s the “Half-Life of Knowledge"?

An interesting question caught my eye recently: what’s the half-life of knowledge, for facts we think we know?