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Education Reformers Don't Know What "College Ready" Means

In the words of Inigo Montoya: “You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.”

Buy a Book, Preferably Mine

I'm not above groveling for support.

To Potential MFA Students: There Are No Academic Jobs

Do not go to grad school thinking you'll become your favorite professor someday.

Thomas Friedman, Wrong...Even When He's Right

Thomas Friedman is a terrible, terrible thinker and columnist. I know, no duh.

Calling B.S....B.S.

I've come to recognize that I'm the world's greatest sucker. That's not entirely my fault, though.

We Could All Use a Little Tenure

If I had tenure, I could do some amazing things.

School Books - K-12 Edition

A roundup and capsule reviews of some education-related reading.

Excellent Sheep Run the World: Part II - Michelle Rhee

William Deresiewicz's "excellent sheep" often find themselves at the nexus of money, politics, and power. Why do they do so much harm?