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Snitches and Busybodies: Higher Ed Under Scarcity

Lots of thoughts trying to get underneath what it means to see one’s colleagues as potential “craven snitches.”

How Ranking Becomes Demotivating

How can I be progressing, even if I'm not gaining ground on others?

Grades Are at the Center of the Student Mental Health Crisis

A guest post from Joshua Eyler on an urgent conversation we should be having about how grades impact student well-being.

Down With ROI

How about we make the return on a degree worth it for everyone and stop buying into metrics that harm those who most need additional resources?

2 Salaries That Tell a Story

Why can’t we provide resources to what we say we value?

Stumbling Toward Inclusive Teaching

A provocative article jars loose some memories.

Guest Post: Not So Fast on Campus Self-Censorship

When it comes to so-called self-censorship on campus, we actually do need to think a bit more before we speak. A guest post from Lara Schwartz and Harsha Mudaliar.

Needed: More Curiosity, Less Phony Objectivity

David Leonhardt of The New York Times thinks worry about catching COVID-19 is “irrational.” Some people are apparently invisible to him.