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Helping Students Become Better Writers

Are cognitive science and psycholinguistics better guides to writing than Strunk and White?

Institutional Malpractice and Campus Accountability

Holding colleges and universities answerable for academic malpractice.

‘Squid Game’ as Allegory and Cultural Critique

What Netflix’s dystopian thriller reveals about the misguided purposes, ethics and direction of elite higher education.

Opportunity Hoarding at an Elite Private University

It’s time to address elite private universities’ role in maintaining social hierarchy and intergenerational inequality.

Is Academic Innovation Always a Good Thing?

Innovation and improvement are not the same thing.

Can Civics Education in Colleges Strengthen Democracy?

Only if it goes well beyond calls to improve civic knowledge, cultivate responsible citizenship and nurture tolerance and civility.

Youth’s Role in Social and Cultural Transformation

Generational cohorts drive changes in the cultural landscape.

Mantras That Can Strengthen Your Teaching

Catchphrases that can inspire and motivate your inner teacher.