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Rethinking Area/Asian Studies

In an early 21st century era of austerity, is it is time to end the dominance of "methodological nationalism" and take advantage of the "opportunity to create a truly global social science"?

How dependent on foreign (non-EU) student fees is the UK (2010-2011)?

How dependent on foreign (non-EU) student fees is the UK (2010-2011)? Very much so, though at variable levels.

Governing Board Structure and the University of Virginia's Fiasco

The question I'd like to pose is this: what is the most appropriate composition of university governing boards, not just for deliberating about moving forward, but also making potentially high risk decisions regarding policy setting, goal making, overall budgeting, and the hiring and firing of senior leaders?

On the Failure of Legacy Governance at the University of Virginia

Is the legacy approach to governance -- one reflecting a different historical era and a distinctly higher level of commitment to public higher education -- appropriate, defensible, and effective?

Open Letter on Restoring U. of Yangon to its Former Glory

On 19 May 2012, Dr. U Myint issued an open letter (reprinted below, and available here in PDF format) to inspire action regarding the restoration of the University of Yangon "to its Former Glory." This letter is noteworthy given the rapid pace of reform underway in Myanmar, and the critically important role of higher education institutions in shaping the development process at multiple levels (from the urban, to the national, to the regional).

International Consortia of Universities and the Mission/Activities Question

This is an interesting time for international consortia of universities. The consortia structure brings with it strengths and weaknesses. For example, it is large enough to enable the drawing in of complementary resources, people, skill sets, networks, etc. The scale of these consortia and the emphasis on peer-based membership structures also facilitates collaborative action on a number of levels. However, international consortia are also too large, in some ways, to facilitate rapid responses to opportunities.

New Report: Measuring and Assessing Internationalization

Some new reading on the complex, surprisingly little understood, and much debated topic of 'internationalization' was published today by NAFSA. To access a PDF of this free 26 pp. report, written by Madeleine F. Green, click on the cover page image below.