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A college president speaks out

Last month, Elizabeth Coleman -- president of Bennington College -- addressed the National Association of Independent Schools annual conference. I...

Helping others drink reponsibly

I was speaking to a student who had a recycling complaint. His concern was that he could walk pretty much...

Drinking responsibly

I was shopping in a big box retailer recently. (I almost said "one of our local big box retailers", but...

It's really not all about efficiency

Bill McKibben has an excellent piece in today's Guardian. His main point is that climate change is decreasing (has decreased)...

Green is not sustainable

A lot of the people I talk to use the words "green" and "sustainable" interchangeably. If I'm tired, occasionally I...

Watch more TV

Normally, I'm a devout TV-phobe, but this is just too cool not to like. Samsung is showing off a 46-inch...

Postmodern practice

David Roberts has an interesting post on Grist, asking whether climate change denialism has roots in postmodern theory. In general...

Using our teacher voices

Amid all the hubbub about popular uprisings in North Africa (calls for social and economic sustainability) and in Wisconsin (resistance...