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Academic employment - security (1)

Not many people get fired from Greenback U. Oh, it happens. But on a percentage basis, it doesn't happen all...

Academic employment - stability (1)

I don't hear it much from the faculty, but for a fair number of staff, one great thing about working...

Academic employment - the leader in the clubhouse

Well. a good number of the results are in, and the leader is -- to no one's surprise -- "because...

Academic employment - the second half of my answer

So if working in a fixed location was what first attracted me to Greenback, what kept me there? In two...

Academic employment - half an answer

Previously, I asked why folks choose to work in higher education. Since then, I've gotten a number of emails containing...

Academic employment - a question

Why do you work for a university or college? Why do I? These questions (admittedly, in reverse order) popped into...

Yes we could

It's too expensive. It would cost too many jobs. We don't have time. There isn't enough land on the planet...

Blow me . . . away

OK, I don't normally comment on this sort of thing. In fact, I don't normally even think much about this...