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What a Special Operations Chaplain Knows

He was the best of us, as they say, but that’s not claiming much moral high ground. Back in what’s...

What Ngo Trung Viet Knows

My preceding post was about a collection of poems by an 18th-century Vietnamese concubine, Ho Xuan Huong, who wrote in...

Vietnam, Penultimate

Back at the end of February I set out to blog about Spring Essence, a collection of poems by an...

Summer Idyll

It was blessedly cool and bright today, and I walked over to campus, where I haven’t been in weeks. I...

Shake Your Moneymaker

Murray Sperber writes in Declining by Degrees that an “Academic Arms Race” began in the post-Sputnik boom-era for higher ed...

Summer Reading

A devoted reader writes to ask, “What should I be reading this summer?” I too like reading lists. They’re the...

Findings from the Road

There is a heaven after all Studies find that fast food tastes best when eaten by tropical crows

How We Become Men

We’ll be traveling for a few days, and I expect my posts to be intermittent next week, so here’s a...