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Introducing 'Adjunct Heroes'

The first of an ongoing series highlighting everyday, ordinary adjunct heroes.

More About Mike Daisey, This Time with George Clooney!

Mike Daisey says the truth is very important to him. I couldn't agree more.

Mike Daisey Is a Liar, and So Am I

The title kind of says it all except that this one is almost 4,000 words and covers a lot of ground.

We Have Some Winning Clerihews!

On his way out of Blogtown, Oronte Churm launched a contest promising prizes. Steve Davenport has finished his judging.

On Failure: Part 1 of Many

I have a vivid memory of the first time I admitted that I was wrong in front of a class of students.

My Life as a "Shake."

I am not considered a "real" professor. But what does that mean?

In Which I Complain About the AWP Conference

Sure, it's a good time, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be better.