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Meeting Your Heroes

What happened to me when I had a chance to meet one of my writing heroes.

My Course Policies

Some people asked for this. Not sure why.

The Very First Unteachable Students

Turns out that someone has always felt that students are "unteachable."

Are Students Really "Unteachable"?

A professor thinks we have a generation of students that cannot learn. I disagree.

Going Home Again

I return to the scene of some of my greatest happiness, and my most bitter disappointments, my former employer, Clemson University.

Ugly Words Can Be Beautiful

I talk to a former student about being an English major and having a job at graduation, as well as a new writing/tutoring program she's launching in Greenville, S.C.

Retreat! No, Advance!

In which I find being confined to an 8 x 12 room (with breaks for lunch) totally liberating.

Adjunct Hero: Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum

Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum works at four institutes of higher learning at the same time. That's right, four.