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You Can't Spell "Funding Cut" Without "Fun"

As my college stares down the barrel of a nasty external funding cut for the coming fiscal year, and a...

When Moppets Attack

The Girl is the cutest, most angelic looking three year old on the planet. But don't be fooled. Yesterday morning...

Ask the Administrator: Sexuality and Student Trips

A new correspondent writes: I read your blog daily and know there are many wise readers who help those seeking...

Ask the Administrator: Targeting a CC

A new correspondent writes: I'm currently a sixth year graduate student in the Molecular Biology department at [Major Research University]...

This Should Be Bigger News

According to this blurb in IHE, Career Education Corp is shutting down nine of its campuses, all in the Northeast...

Ask the Administrator: Upper Level Pay for Upper Level Course?

A befuddled correspondent writes: I'm an adjunct with a Ph.D. and plenty of upper level experience via a former full-time...

Northern Illinois University

Every parent's nightmare happened again, this time at NIU. My condolences to the students, faculty, and families there. It's scary...

Ask the Administrator: You've Got to be Kidding...

A regular reader writes: A probationary faculty member in my college plagiarized his entire statement of teaching philosophy in his...