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Tolerance for Ambiguity

“That’s stupid.” As a professor, I gritted my teeth every time I heard a student say that. It was an...


What if you could predict with confidence which prospective students would succeed in college and which wouldn’t? Apparently the University...

Classroom Styles and College Styles

Though I’m a confessed agnostic on the subject of learning styles, I enjoyed this essay quite a bit. It suggests...

Friday Fragments

-- This week a student reminded me of a side of college I sometimes forget. He’s openly gay, and his...

Green Follows White?

Could community colleges attract more funding by attracting more white kids? This column suggests that they could. It’s hardly news...

The Case of the Missing Applicants

I’ll preface by saying that I work on the academic side of the college, as opposed to admissions. So there’s...

Triage and Profiling

Last week I had a discussion that’s still echoing in my head. It was with some people who work at...