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On Contingency, Vocationand Loyalty

Why adjuncts should leave, even in the middle of the semester.

Needing the Graduate Degree?

A reader asks, how do you advise students who are interested in altac positions about going to graduate school?

Why Now?

A reader asked me, why now? What's different this time? I answer.

Documenting Absences

How far is too far in asking students to prove they missed class for a good reason?

Moving Forward

What's next for me and this blog space.

Journalist or Professor?

Would as many of us had chosen to get a PhD had we known the realities of the job market? Does it even matter in this economy?

It's AcWriMo!

November is Academic Writing Month. Will you accept the challenge?

Hey, Look! I'm Radical!

How I have "radically" re-imagined how I teach my classes.