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Express Your Opinion — but First, Check Yourself

Emotion can fuel great writing. It can also be a vulnerability. Consider these steps to ensure your arguments are sound.

What Strategic Plans Reveal About Higher Ed Marketing

A study of current strategic plans across higher education indicates that colleges and universities still consider marketing to be primarily a promotional function.

Saying the Right Thing

Why you should consider a guide to inclusive language for your campus and what it should cover.

The Power of Personas

Virtual recruitment requires the right mind-set(s).

Centralizing Marcomm to Better Serve Our Audiences

Savvy leaders recognize that organizational structure can make or break marketing communications efforts.

Is Your College Communications Strategy Ready for Gen Z 2.0?

Communications and marketing professionals have repeated the adage a thousand times: know your audience.

Vitriol Aimed at Communicators Is Misplaced

Increasingly, outrage over institutional decisions is directed at social media teams and communications staff. The cycle needs to stop.

Brand Sensitivity and Student Choice

Enrollment marketers must avoid their institution becoming the Xerox machine of a virtual world.