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The Case for Podcasts in Your Marketing Mix

Growing in popularity, podcasts offer benefits other forms of communications don’t.

Managing Your Brand with Innovative Content

Joel Pattison shares examples of innovative ways institutions use content to reveal their brands.

Marketing Metrics and Getting Back to Basics

Just because we can measure it, does it mean we need to?

Talk About Diversity (Without Offending Everyone)

It’s 2016 -- time to rethink how we talk about diversity and inclusion, and create marketing materials that resonate with students.

A Recipe for Viral Content

What are the four characteristics of social content that achieves “viral status?”

Back to Basics: The Benefit of the Benefit

Starbucks’ marketing success can teach higher ed how to move past features and communicate the benefit.

Lessons from Cookie Monster

Blogger Deb Maue provides five lessons for higher ed marketers based on Apple’s iPhone 6 commercial.

6 Ways to Raise the Bar on Higher Ed Videos

Short attention spans mean you need to up your game. Here’s how.