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Will ChatGPT Transform Research? It Already Has, Say Nobelists

Nobel-winning scientists are now using large language models, but experts say their impact on research is only just starting.

Swap Authorship for ‘Movie Credits’ Approach, Academics Suggest

An elite European university group says listing all contributors to research would avoid damaging disagreements and properly reflect the work of scholars.

Plain Speaking or Rude? Fight Over ‘Disparaging’ Psychiatry Paper

British scholars differ on study on the effectiveness of antidepressants.

Can the E.U. Make a ‘Parallel Publishing System’ Work?

Many are doubtful about E.U.’s publishing plans.

New British Play Tackles Issues of Academe

Free speech issues dominate in a work about two philosophers.

Mixed Feelings on Springer Nature Deal With British Universities

Some see a breakthrough, but there are many complaints about costs.