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British Academics Despair as ChatGPT-Written Essays Swamp Grading Season

‘It’s not a machine for cheating; it’s a machine for producing crap,’ says one professor infuriated by the rise of bland essays.

Professors Worry About ‘Digital Surveillance’ of Their Work

Union’s survey of academics elicits concerns that electronic systems that track teaching, grades and research productivity limit independence and well-being.

Is ‘Fatphobia’ the Last Acceptable Prejudice in the Academy?

A Cornell University philosopher is calling out the discrimination—which is often blatant—faced by scholars deemed overweight.

New Study Challenges Conventional Wisdom on Shortage of STEM Graduates

Large numbers of students who major in STEM subjects do not pursue related careers, a study found. Toxic work cultures prompt many who do work in related fields to leave.

Indian Ph.D. Students Protest ‘Paper Per Semester’ Rule

Pressure to publish is seen as “contributing factor” to recent deaths, as India’s leading university faces backlash on doctoral monitoring.

Is Doctoral Education in the U.K. in Trouble?

While overseas students still flock to the U.K. for Ph.D.s, concerns are growing over weakening domestic demand.

Dispute Over ‘Woke Ideology’ Causes Schism in U.K. Science Community

The science secretary demanded closure of a UK Research and Innovation inequality committee due to “the sharing of extremist views on social media” by members who she said “expressed sympathy” for Hamas.

‘Adversarial Collaboration’ Makes Feuding Scholars Work Together

Pairing ideologically opposed academics should become a sector norm when researchers disagree, says Penn project leader.