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Create your job. Stop counting on someone else to employ you. Take risks, add value, and create something new.

You know a hell of a lot about education. You develop, manage, and integrate a range of technologies. You know what services in higher ed could be delivered faster, better, and cheaper if someone started the right company or developed the right application or service. That person should be you.

Networks. You have networks. You know the players in higher ed. You understand how to identify the decision maker. You can see the world from their eyes, because you have lived that life. You care about changing higher ed. You are impatient with the status quo.

Start a virtual company. No need for offices, as Skype and iPhones and Chromebooks allow you to work from home, and hold meetings at Dunkin Donuts. Storage and servers from Amazon Web Services (AWS), e-mail, calendaring and productivity tools free from Google.

Some people I know are starting to take that leap and jump into an ed tech startup. The ed tech sector is set for phenomenal growth, as institutions id developed countries look to source services not core to their missions, and institutions in emerging economies seek to leapfrog traditional brick-and-mortar higher ed institutions and jump directly to digital. The demand worldwide for higher education will vastly outstrip existing supply, new models will need to be created.

Are our institutions doing enough to encourage spin-off companies in education technology?

Is EDUCAUSE offering the resources, networks, advice, and perhaps seed funding for higher ed focused tech startups?

What publications, websites, blogs, should we read if we want to start an ed tech business? What conferences should we attend?

What success stories can we point to? What failures?

Are you thinking about taking the plunge and kicking-off your own ed tech startup?

Are you working for an ed tech startup?

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