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The cool, rainy front that has moved into our area signals the end of summer! Transition times are here, and I have one to announce to you.

The Institute for Computer Policy and Law, which for the last 10 (of its 16) years has been in collaboration with EDUCAUSE, is going it alone and with a new direction. This year the title of our program is: ICPL: Internet Culture and the Academy

We will meet in the second week of September (more details later on exact dates) for intensive conversations on new social media replete with its inherent issues on information fluency, scholarly publishing, academic integrity, plagiarism, privacy and the emerging new cultural trends in academy influenced or affected by ethical, legal and policy issues.

Since we are in a new and exciting phase, we have a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what sparkles for you! What would you like to discuss in this broad spectrum of ideas? What are your stories? And who among us are the leaders?

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