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Why Institutional Narratives About First-Gen Students Matter

Consider whether your college is putting too heavy a burden on first-generation students with its expectations, write Rashné Jehangir and Tai Do.

Hand Signals Improve Zoom Meetings

Students who use a set of gestures in video gatherings feel closer to their classmates and believe they learn more than students who don’t, a new study suggests. Using emojis doesn’t deliver the same benefits.

The Case for Gender-Diverse Research Teams

Study finds that male-female research teams produce more innovative, impactful research than all-male or all-female teams, and the more gender-balanced the diverse teams are, the better.

New Bill Targets Endowments

Federal legislation would require public and private colleges with endowments over $1 billion to cover between 25 and 75 percent of all students’ cost of attendance. Higher ed experts say colleges won’t be able to do that, given strict rules around endowment spending.

Tenure Awarded at… Harford CC, U of Hawai‘i at West Oʻahu

Harford Community College Claudia Brown, mass communications John Donahue, sociology Ben Fisler, theater and performing arts Regina Johnson, English Cynthia...

Editors Step Down From Journal, Citing Lack of Support

Retraction Watch reported that all four editors in chief of the journal Aging Cell resigned, citing workload issues and lack...

Fla. Students Largely Ignore ‘Intellectual Freedom’ Survey

A controversial “intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity” survey issued to students and employees at Florida public universities elicited a remarkably...

AAUP Investigates Alleged Racism at Indiana University NW

The American Association of University Professors said Monday that it is investigating Indiana University Northwest in Gary over the summary...