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Tracking Sports Spending

NCAA gives Knight panel sneak preview of how athletics budget information will be collected and sorted.

Sharp Debate Over Title IX

Civil rights panel split on whether 2005 policy change favors colleges' interests over female athletes.

Getting Rid of Expertise

Why is Education Department replacing respected head of international efforts with someone inexperienced in the field?

Point of No Return to Bologna

With deadline approaching for unifying higher ed system, European universities pick up pace on aligning degrees.

Much More Money for Veterans?

Congress considers legislation billed as a "mirror" to post World War II G.I. Bill.

Tough Job, No Easy Cures

Medical deans are well paid, but study finds their average tenure is half that of college presidents.

Sparring With the Secretary

House Democrats pummel Spellings over Education Department's perceived failure to rein in abuses in student loan industry.