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Unlikely Bedfellows

FBI reaches out to colleges to promote the security of academic research within an open system.

Antioch to Close Main College

Operations will be "suspended" after coming academic year; 40 faculty members will lose their jobs.

Privacy and Protection

Panel reviewing Virginia Tech massacre struggles with laws that could hamper coordinated interventions with mentally ill students.

A More Deliberative Democracy

U. of New Hampshire establishes network to change tenor of national discourse -- and improve campus decision making.

IRS Draws Lines for Political Advocacy

As campaign gears up, agency guides colleges and other nonprofits on avoiding inappropriate interaction with candidates and voters.

NCAA vs. Bloggers

Reporter ejected from game for crime of online reporting -- does First Amendment have a college sports exemption?

Calling Would-Be Science Teachers

Report by college and business leaders advocates more math and science majors as well as better teacher prep programs.