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AAUP Censures Indiana U Northwest

The American Association of University Professors has now censured Indiana University Northwest (IUN) for firing a tenured Black professor after...
Cover of the Provosts' views on tenure, gen ed, budgets and more Survey report

Provosts' views on tenure, gen ed, budgets and more

A small majority of provosts (52 percent) would favor a system of long-term contracts over the current tenure system, according...

Alumni of For-Profit Online Colleges Skeptical of the Payoff

Students who earned fully online degrees from nonprofit colleges have a more favorable view of their experiences than do their...

Frayed Nerves, Strained Patience, Mounting Frustration

An unexplained outage at D’Youville University led to a month of network unreliability on campus. University officials say networks are now available, but faculty members say the lack of information about the outage has been frustrating.

New Programs: Technology, Health Equity, Culinary Arts, Economics

Hartwick College is starting academic minors in game development, cybersecurity, data analysis, web design and digital marketing. New Mexico State...

Weekly Wisdom | University of Maryland Baltimore County President Valerie Sheares Ashby

Get inspired by this incredible conversation about leadership with University of Maryland Baltimore County President Valerie Sheares Ashby, Bridget Burns...

The University of California Abandons Progress and Preserves Convention

The university system's new policy banning fully online degrees ignores the needs of today's students and leans on outdated information.

Building a Diverse Class Without Affirmative Action | Wednesday, March 22 at 2 PM ET

The likely decision by the Supreme Court to end the use of affirmative action and race-conscious admissions will be a...