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Speaker Says She Was Assaulted at San Francisco State

Riley Gaines, a former college swimmer, says she was assaulted during an appearance at San Francisco State University, where she...
flowing rainbow image

The Benefits of Finding Flow

Even anxious, frazzled academics like myself who are struggling for some semblance of work-life balance can find it helpful in grading, teaching and writing, writes Nicole Bauer.

Protesters at the U.S. Supreme Court hold up handmade signs in favor of affirmative action.

‘The Impact of College Diversity’

Author who first explored the impact of diversity on undergraduates in 2005 returns to her subjects as they reach 30 and finds new evidence of success of affirmative action.

A student talks with April Belback in the door frame of her office at the University of Pittsburgh's student success hub.

New on the Job: Q&A With April Belback, University of Pittsburgh

April Belback, director of student success at the University of Pittsburgh, shares about her work launching the institution’s Student Success Hub and the importance of belonging in the student experience.

A Dead Professor, 2 Critical Reports and a Presidential Apology

The University of Arizona dismissed a faculty report on the murder of one of their colleagues in his workplace. The university’s own contracted report has now largely confirmed the faculty members’ work.

A blurry crowd of people with an Asian woman in focus at the center

Is Gun Violence Scaring Off International Students?

Campus shootings have become a major concern for those from abroad, particularly Asia. For many, a U.S. education is still worth the risk—but experts say each incident makes recruitment harder.

Bryan Alexander on AI

The new episode of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Bryan Alexander, futurist and writer, about the role of artificial intelligence in higher education.

Ep. 94: Higher Ed’s Longtime Chief Lobbyist, Unplugged

Terry Hartle talks about the state of U.S. politics, higher ed policy making, and colleges’ role in the culture wars as he concludes 30 years of advocacy for colleges.