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A white man and a Black woman, José Luis Bermúdez and Kathleen McElroy, together hold a Texas A&M shirt, with maroon and silver balloons behind them.

Texas A&M Dean Resigns Amid Black Journalist Tenure Controversy

Reporting about a new journalism program finds that a celebrated hire rejected a watered down job offer, spurring an interim dean to resign.


Productively and Painlessly Integrating Gen AI Into Your Fall Classes

It is important that we give our learners experience in using generative AI to prepare them for job interviews, career advancement and efficient practices in the workplace.

Former TKC president Stockwell Day speaking at commencement

No Classes, No Accreditation, No Closure?

The King’s College is squeezed financially, has lost accreditation and will cancel classes this fall. But leadership doesn’t intend for the closure to be permanent.

King’s College of New York Won’t Offer Classes in the Fall

King’s College of New York, a Christian college, announced that it will not be offering classes in the fall. In...
A photograph of a University of Maryland at College Park building with letters spelling "Biology - Psychology" above the entrance.

Retracted Papers, Co-Authored by the Editor in Chief

The Journal of Counseling Psychology’s editor in chief requested retractions of eight articles with his name on them after a University of Maryland investigation found research consent issues.

Bill McRaven, a white man with gray hair wearing a suit, speaks at NACUBO

College President as the ‘Toughest Job’? Military Hero Doubles Down

William McRaven reiterates his view about how hard it is to be a campus leader. But he warns that compromise is a feature, not a bug, of the job.

A iPhone showing the text of a scam/phishing email asking the user to verify that they don't want their account deleted.

Going Phishing on Campus

Scammers have been targeting students for years, but some universities are reporting recent upticks as perpetrators develop workarounds to campus safeguards.

A screen shot of a Substack newsletter

Academics Turn to Paid Newsletters for Scholarly Connection

Substack, which hosts roughly two million paid subscribers, said its base of academic users increased more than 100 percent in the last year.